What are the differences between gel nails and semi-permanent varnish?

Gel nails and semi-permanent are two popular manicure techniques. Although they are similar on certain points, they have their own characteristics. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you the differences between gel nails and semi-permanent varnish. Just keep reading! Here are the differences between gel nails and semi-permanent varnish: Gel nails: kinds of false nails, they consist of the application of

Everything you need to know about the process of applying semi-permanent varnish

Semi-permanent nail polish has been a real revolution for busy women who don't have time to change nail polish daily. Thanks to this, they can wear flawless nails for a fortnight with the same result as when applied. Today, this article will explain everything to you. Just keep reading! Sequence of a semi-permanent varnish application Like a classic varnish application, start

How to apply semi-permanent varnish yourself?

Have you always wanted to apply semi-permanent nail polish like a professional? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton explains how to apply semi-permanent varnish yourself! 1. Preparation of the nail First of all, you need to prepare your nails to increase the adhesion time of the semi-permanent varnish on the nails. Start by pushing back your cuticles, then file your nails