Many of us can suffer from hearing loss, for which the wearing of a hearing aid can be a real solution. After consulting an ENT , it is important to contact a qualified hearing care professional to help you choose the most comfortable device for you. The settings of a hearing aid amplifiers being delicate, it will receive you as many times as necessary so that they are perfect.
Why wear a hearing aid?
There comes a time when we perceive certain sounds poorly, where we repeat our interlocutors, where it is difficult to understand the meaning of what they say. Bad hearing is not without consequences on our social, family, professional life, with ultimately a major risk that of isolating ourselves. Once fitted, we can better understand our environment, communicate more easily and find self-confidence and affirmative.
The first step may be to talk to your doctor who will send you to an ENT that will take you two exams:
– The audiogram: is to transmit you through a headset, beeps at different frequencies so you indicate when you hear them. The result is a curve that represents the level of hearing loss in each ear.
– Voice audiometry: is used to determine the level of language comprehension and the ability to discern sounds.
The results obtained will enable the ENT to establish a prescription that will enable you to be paired with a hearing care professional.
Which device to choose?
A hearing instrument consists of a microphone, a microprocessor and a receiver. The first, picks up the sounds that are converted into digital signals, the second, analyzes them, processes them, amplifies them and restores them via the earpiece.
There are mainly three types of devices:
- ITE – in ear hearing aids, which is placed in the auditory canal, very discreet, it is recommended for mild and moderate deafness, but it is not suitable for all auditory ducts.
- BTE – behind-the-ear hearing aids, consists of a shell placed behind the ear, connected by a tube to a tip positioned in the auditory canal, resistant, comfortable and easy to handle, suitable for all forms of hearing loss.
- RIC – receiver in channel hearing aids, also includes a shell behind the ear connected to a tip in which the earpiece is located. More discreet than the earloop, it offers better sound quality than the earloop and is suitable for all forms of hearing loss.
Finally, the choice of this or that device will depend on your hearing loss and the budget you can devote to it. Know that you benefit from a management of your equipment by the Health Insurance with a differentiated care.
A competent audiologist: the key to success
The role of the hearing care professional is essential, this health professional – also a trader – will help you choose the model that will offer you optimal comfort. For this, he must ask you about your lifestyle, take the time to listen to you and to present the strengths and weaknesses of each of the hearing devices.
Then comes the phase of personalized settings that will require several sessions, depending on the feeling of your sound environment in everyday life (sounds that you hear badly, those who attack you, etc.), the hearing care professional will adapt the device using software. During the adaptation time the hearing care professional will refine the settings with you. You will find a real comfort after a variable period of time (one or two months) according to the people and the chosen model. Hence the importance of not getting discouraged, to wear your device all day to get used to it and in different sound environments.
To choose your hearing care professional, know that some are independent, others affiliated to a network, whether employees of major brands or franchisees. Some of them have Afnor certification, which is a guarantee of seriousness. Whatever the professional you will address, it is important that it is responsive and can receive you urgently in case breakdown. If you do not feel comfortable with the first appointment, consult another one.
Therefore, before you commit, do not hesitate to discuss with other people fitted to have their opinion, meet their associations. And take advantage of the advice of users of the booklet ” Getting well equipped with hearing aids “, published by Bucodes SurdiFrance.