A brush for the complexion, for the eyes, the lips and the blush. It seems simple. Except that in reality, the reality is a little different and a little more complicated. For example, there can be up to 5 different brushes for the look and as much for the complexion! Out, no masterpiece without a suitable tool.
Wide, beveled, round, powder brush, eyelid brush, lip brush … with each brush his makeup. Our make-up artists tell us how to choose our brushes for a precise and sublime makeup!
What makeup brush for foundation?
Liquid foundation or compact foundation: same fight. We opt for a brush dyed synthetic hair, “it spoils the hair less,” says Julia Knafo make up artist for Bobbi Brown.
The good shape? Regarding the shape of the brush, it is the desired coverage that will make the difference: “if we want a medium coverage, we opt for a flat brush, if we prefer an intense coverage, then we must use a brush for the round complexion, “continues the makeup artist.
The good shopping: Hanamichi Foundation Makeup Brush
What makeup brush for the powder?
We opt for natural bristle brushes that are softer but that especially leave less traces. “Natural hair, especially goat hair, allows a better grip of the material and offer a more homogeneous distribution.It is much better for gradients,” says Victoria Monvoisin, make up artist for Nocibé.
For her part, Julia Knafo explains that the coverage will depend on the density of the hair: “the less the brush is dense, the more coverage will be light.Inversely, if we choose a brush with very dense hair, we get a coverage intense.”
The good shape? It is rather round and elongated.
The good shopping: Jessup 25pcs Professional Power Blushes
What makeup brush for sun powder?
Julia Knafo, make up artist for Bobbi Brown, recalls that we must use a special brush for sun powder, no way to use his powder brush for example. “If we take for example a small brush, we risk demarcations, warns the expert.”
The good shape? It is round, rather broad for a dense makeup, and flat at the end for a good grip of the material.
The good shopping: LXHSY Electric Rotating Makeup Brush
What makeup brush for the eyelids?
Here, everything is complicated because for the impeccable make-up of the eyelids, it will be necessary to be armed with different brushes.
The brush for the fixed eyelid: it is flat, rather broad, with synthetic bristles for cream textures.
The brush for the mobile eyelid: a classic brush rather in natural hair.
The brush for the outer corner: the brush is slightly beveled, it will dig, structure and give intensity to the eyes.
The good shopping: UNIMEIX Professional Eyeshadow Eyeliner