Do you know why our nails are soft and brittle? In this blog, we’ll look for the answers together!
Many factors can be responsible for your soft and brittle nails. If you use chemicals such as detergents for example without first putting on gloves, you risk having brittle nails because the chemicals damage the top layer of the nails. nail and so they become brittle. Deficiencies in iron, zinc, calcium, silicon, protein and vitamin A or B cause brittle and splitting nails.
Many people, when they are stressed, bite their nails, as a result their nails are more likely to split than someone who does not bite them. Sulfur deficiency can cause soft nails. People who wash and dry their hands many times a day more often have brittle nails. Aging weakens the nails. If the nails are exposed to excessive heat or cold as well as UV rays, your nails will break and split. Menopause is also a factor of split nails.
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Read also: How to treat damaged nails?