Today, knowing that you can buy everything you need for a semi-permanent manicure made yourself at home. However, vigilance is still required: the semi-permanent varnish must be handled with some precautions.
It seems relatively simple to put this product on – however, when it comes to removing it, the mission is much more complicated. So, if you choose a professional manicure at home, the person coming to your home will take care of removing the old varnish and applying a new one, for a perfect result!
A professional manicure can’t be compared to a do-it-yourself manicure. In concrete terms, even if you have extreme dexterity, you will hardly reach the level of a specialist. No overflow, perfectly smooth nails, a multitude of possibilities in terms of colors and patterns…
Now that you’ve know the mistakes should be avoid in home manicure, you can use gentle manicure kits to begin your manicure! If you don’t have nail tools, you can visit our nail supply store.
Read also: Home manicure in practice