Caring for your Nails in Winter

When the nails become fragile: it’s winter coming! Do you know how to protect your nails in winter? Don’t panic! In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you some tricks to take care of your nails in winter.

1. A good diet

First of all, I advise you to have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and in any condition. Proteins, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and vitamins are essential.

2. Moisturize

Remember to moisturize your hands in the morning with a nourishing moisturizer. Massage your nails and cuticles very well so that the cream penetrates inside. For the evening, use the olive oil, sweet almond oil or castor oil to nourishes the nails.

Disposable Individually Packed Nail Manicure Sets

3. Don’t bite your nails

Don’t fall into the trap of bite your nails. Be strong and look for sporting activities that will allow you to relax.

We hope you enjoy this article! In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure set to regularly protect your nails! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.

Read also: What equipment to buy to start your activity?

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